Guide to the Curriculum

  • Guide to the Curriculum
Non Members $24.00
Members $21.60

How can schools get the most out of a rich curriculum? Contributors to this title include: Neil Almond; Andrew Percival; Doug Lemov and Emily Badillo; Sonia Thompson; Christine Counsell; Michael Young; Ruth Ashbee; and Aurora Reid. Editor: Clare Sealy.

ResearchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings.

ResearchED BUNDLE of 5 books available for $100.00.  Select the bundle option above.

Bundle of 5 books includes:

  1. Guide to Explicit & Direct Instruction
  2. Guide to Education Myths
  3. Guide to Literacy
  4. Guide to Assessment
  5. Guide to The Curriculum